IGN: For Wii owners unfamiliar with the franchise, what's Worms all about?
Gilbert: Worms is a turn-based game in which up to four human or computer-controlled teams take charge of a platoon of three or four worms, pitted against each other in an attempt to reign victorious on a fully deformable landscape. Worms is popular for its wacky cartoon humor and over-the-top weapons which the player can use to bash, blast and blow their opposition to pieces.
Konačno smo dobili zvanično saopštenje i kraći interviju sa developerima o novoj Worms igri za Wii.Crvići su se ponovo vratili u svoje poznato 2D okruženje i ovog puta nam na Wii donose i online podršku do 4 igrača i podršku za WiiConnect24 preko koje će se skidati dodatni sadržaji za igri.
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